The IULH World Championship show began in 2021. The show is organized annually under the auspices of the IULH by an IULH affiliated Leonberger Club. Where possible, it is held in conjunction with the FCI World Winner Show or the FCI European winner show. However If that is not possible, any member club can bid to host the show on the day before their own club show. The attraction of this show is that it is primarily a friendly international event, where Leonbergers lovers from all over the world meet.
The titles that can be awarded at the ILU show are:
- The National CAC’s of the country where the show is held. These are according to the rules of National Kennel Club in the organizing country, so may vary depending on the show venue.
- IULH Hope – For the Minor puppy Male and Female winners.
- IULH Young Promise – For the Puppy Male and Female winners.
- IULH World Championship Junior Winner – Awarded to the best Male and the best Female, chosen from Youth class.
- IULH World Championship Winner – Awarded to the Best Male and the Female, chosen from Intermediate, Open, Working, and Champion classes that were awarded the qualification 1° Excellent in their class.
- IULH World Championship Veteran Winner – Awarded to the best Female and Male in the Veteran class.
Results of third IULH World Championship Show, which was held on June 24-25, 2023 in Kristiansand, Norway.
Results of the second, which was held in 2022 in Leonberg, Germany.
Results of the first, which was held in 2021 in Cluny, France.