Constitution of the ILU

The International Union fur Leonberger Hunde, as the name implies, is a Voluntary Union of Member Clubs from around the world. The purpose of the IULH is to co-ordinate the efforts of the members to promote and improve the Leonberger Dog Breed.

Member Clubs

Membership of the IULH is open to recognized Leonberger Clubs that are affiliated with the National Kennel Club of their home country. Only one club per country may join the Union. Each Member Club has the right to make proposals and suggestions to the IULH, as well as to request help from the the IULH for consultation and support in matters relating to the promotion of the Leonberger dog breed.

 Executive Committee of the IULH

The Executive Committee ( The Board ) is elected by the member clubs. The purpose of the board is to carry out the decisions of the membership meetings.

Annual Delegates Meeting

Each year, an Annual Meeting of delegates is held, usually in Leonberg, Since 2020, this meeting can also be attended on-line. The annual meeting is held for the purposes of setting a budget, conducting elections as required and approving the operation of the Union. Each member club may send up to 2 representative delegates to the Annual Meeting.

Additional Delegates Meetings

In addition to the annual meeting, Meetings of the Clubs are held On-Line, typically every 3 months. Each member club may send up to 2 representative delegates to the Quarterly meetings. Other organizations or individuals may be invited as required or appropriate for the topics being discussed at a quarterly delegate meeting. Any person or group wishing to attend or present to the Union should contact either the Secretary of the Union or their National Member Club .

Working Groups

Working Groups are created at the request of the member clubs to carry out the business of the Union. The members of a working group are appointed by the board following recommendations from the member clubs. Currenty the following woring groups have been created …

  • Judging and Showing Working Group
  • Health and Breeding Working Group
  • Constitution Working Group
  • Website Management Working Group

The last update of the Constitution was in 2017. English and German Versions can be found here.