
Dansk Leonberger Klub

Official Web site:

Number of Club Members : 68

Year Club Was Founded: 1976

International contact:
Presindent Petger Dyhr, email

Puppies born in 2019: 38.

New breeding restrictions for Leonberger per 1. January, 2013.

Please be aware that there are breeding restrictions which are the basic requirements and there are breeding recommendations.
In case the recommendations are fulfilled the litter will have an endorsement written on the pedigree: “This dog is bred according to the breeding recommendations of the Danish Leonberger Club and the Danish Kennel Club”.

HD: Offspring can only be registered and get a DKK pedigree if both parents – before the breeding – have an official HD- status, registered in DKK (Danish Kennel Klub).

A dog with HD status D or E can be approved for breeding in exceptional cases, if the breeder judges the total contribution of the dog to be of positive value for the Leonberger breed. In that case the mating partner must always have an HD status A or B (free).

ED: Offspring can only be registered and get a DKK pedigree if both parents – before the breeding – have an official AD status registered in DKK (Danish Kennel Klub).

A dog with ED status 3 can in be approved for breeding in exceptional cases, if the breeder judges the total contribution of the dog to be of positive value for the Leonberger breed. The breeding partner must in those cases always have an ED status 0 (free).

If one wishes to breed to a foreign male which is not ED evaluated, the Danish female must always have ED status 0 or 1.

The presence and correct placement of the male’s testicles must be documented in due form.

Further reading can be found in DKK’s registration regulations.

Breeding recommendations:

In order to achieve the endorsement: “This dog is bred according to Danish Leonberger Club and Danish Kennel Club’s breeding recommendatioins” on the pedigree, the following recommendations must be fulfilled:

1. Both parents must have an HD Status A or B registered in DKK, before the breeding

2. Both parents must have an ED Status 0, 1 or 2 registered in DKK, before the breeding. When breeding to a foreign male which is not ED evaluated, the pedigree can achieve the endorsement provided that the Danish female has AD status 0 or 1.

3. Both parents must have achieved at least a “Very Good” at an FCI/DKK acknowledged show.